There are different types of membership, each offering benefits, including discounted places at annual events, bulletins, access to educational materials, and more
Read on for more information about the types of membership, the benefits of membership, and how to apply to become a member
What are the types of membership?
There are two types of membership: registered and subscribing. Members of either type are typically UK clinical ethics services, primarily Clinical Ethics Committees. However, individuals or organisations who can demonstrate an active interest in delivery of clinical ethics support may also apply to become members
Registered member
Registered membership is free. There are fewer benefits for registered members, and some types of registered members do not have voting rights. All UK clinical ethics services are eligible to become registered (voting) members. Ideally all such services will register with UKCEN, as this will help the Network to support services and facilitate networking between them. Individuals or organisations who have an active interest in delivery of clinical ethics support may also apply to become (non-voting) registered members. See below for the application form
Subscribing member
Subscribing members pay a fee. There are more benefits for subscribing members. All UK clinical ethics services are eligible for subscribing membership. Most subscribing members will be Clinical Ethics Committees. However, individuals or organisations (in the UK and overseas) who have an active interest in delivery of clinical ethics may also apply to become subscribing members. Subscribing members pay an annual fee. See below for the various rates and the application form. See below for the application form
Who can apply?
Members are typically UK clinical ethics services, i.e., groups that provide clinical ethics support, such as a Clinical Ethics Committee, a Clinical Ethics Advisory Group, a Clinical Ethics Forum, etc.
Other organisations or individuals may also apply to become members. Other organisations or Individuals should have an active interest in delivery of clinical ethics support.
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
Benefits of becoming a registered member
Registration brings different benefits, depending on whether the registered member is a clinical ethics service, another organisation, or an individual:
Clinical ethics services:
- Registration is free
- Registration helps UKCEN maintain a record of clinical ethics services
- Registration helps UKCEN facilitate communication and support between members
- Registered services receive regular news bulletins, which share recent developments in clinical ethics support in the UK
- Registered services contribute to and receive periodic “Round Robins”, which focus on emerging issues of relevance to clinical ethics services
- Registered services that can demonstrate that they are actively providing a clinical ethics support service can vote at general meetings of UKCEN
Other organisations and individuals:
- Registration is free
- Registration helps UKCEN maintain of record of those individuals and organisations interested in delivery of clinical ethics support in the UK
- Registration helps UKCEN facilitate communication and support between members
- Registered organisations and individuals receive regular news bulletins, which share recent developments in clinical ethics support in the UK
Benefits of becoming a subscribing member
Subscribing members pay an annual fee. Subscribing members receive all the benefits of registered members (above). Subscription also brings additional benefits, depending on whether the registered member is a clinical ethics service, an organisation, or an individual:
Clinical ethics services:
- Subscribing services can vote at general meetings of UKCEN
- Subscribing services receive discounts on registration at UKCEN’s annual conferences when they are held in person. In years when the conference is held online, members of a subscribing group will have priority for booking online places
- Subscribing services receive discounts on places at annual pre-conference training workshops when they are held in person. The total places allocated to a single subscribing service may be limited when there is high demand, in order to allow members of other services to attend. In years when the workshop is held online, all members of a subscribing service will have priority for booking online places
- Subscribing services have (password-protected) access to UKCEN resources that are not in the public domain. These include the archive of news bulletins and “Round Robins”, plus materials from our annual conferences
- Subscribing services have access to grants to support educational events that are run by the service (when grants are available)
- Payment of the subscription fee helps to fund UKCEN activities, such as maintenance of the website, events, and grants
Other organisations and individuals:
- Subscribing organisations and individuals can vote at general meetings of UKCEN
- Subscribing organisations and individuals receive discounts on registration at UKCEN’s annual conferences when they are held in person. In years when the conference is held online, subscribing individuals or members of a subscribing organisation will have priority for booking online places
- Payment of the subscription fee helps to fund UKCEN activities, such as maintenance of the website, events, and grants

What does membership cost?
Registered member: This is free.
Subscribing member (clinical ethics service): This costs £250 a year.
Subscribing member (other organisation): This costs £250 a year.
Subscribing member (individual). This costs £50 a year.
How do I pay my membership fees?
Each year, UKCEN will raise an invoice for the annual subscription fee. On the application form (below), applicants are asked to identify an individual or department to whom UKCEN can address the invoice. The subscription fee is to be paid by BACS transfer
How do I access the members area?
Simply click Members at the top of the site and login using your account details. If you would like to become a member, please complete the new member form linked below and someone will provide you with login details after payment has been authorised
Join now
It is simple and quick to become a member
To become a member, visit and complete the following form: New Member Form
If you have any questions regarding membership, please email us: